shipping containers for sale in georgia July 29, 2023 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Shipping Containers for Sale in Georgia: A Comprehensive Guide

shipping containers for sale in georgia

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Shipping Containers in Georgia

shipping containers for sale in georgia

If you’re in Georgia and looking for shipping containers for sale, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various uses of shipping containers in Atlanta, discuss container construction projects, container restaurants, container homes, and delve into the national highway intermodal transportation routes and railroad shipping routes in the state. Let’s get started! shipping containers for sale in georgia

The Importance of Atlanta as a Shipping Container Hub

Atlanta, located in the Southeast USA, serves as a major transportation hub for shipping containers. With its extensive network of railroad freight routes and interstate highways, it has become a central location for container shipping in the country. The city’s six interstate highways – I-20, I-75, I-85, I-285, I-575, and I-675 – facilitate the movement of shipping containers in and out of the metropolitan area.

Railroad Conex Container Shipping Routes in Atlanta

Atlanta is a crucial business and shipping center for the southeastern region of the USA. The city’s railroad system includes 28 freight railroads, with Norfolk Southern and CSX being the two Class 1 railroads. Atlanta’s railroads play a significant role in the distribution of raw materials and consumer goods throughout the United States. The city boasts major rail yards in Atlanta, East Savannah, Waycross, and intermodal terminals in Atlanta, Savannah, and Fairburn.

National Highway Intermodal Transportation Routes in Atlanta

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, Atlanta’s primary freight network routes include the Savannah-to-Atlanta Corridor, Atlanta-to-Tennessee Corridor Gateway to the Midwest, Atlanta-to-South Carolina Corridor Gateway to the Mid Atlantic and Midwest, Macon-to-Florida Corridor Connection, and the Atlanta-to-Alabama Corridor. These routes, along with the city’s interstate highways, contribute to Atlanta’s status as a crucial shipping container hub.

Shipping Container Construction Projects in Atlanta

Atlanta Shipping Container Construction

Shipping containers offer an innovative solution for affordable housing and entrepreneurial spaces in low-income communities. Atlanta-based nonprofit ReJuve launched the “Plug-In-Pods” project, repurposing steel shipping containers as affordable housing and business spaces. The initiative began as a crowdfunding campaign and resulted in the construction of prototype buildings in the Pittsburgh Yards development, located in the Southside BeltLine corridor.

The Annie E. Casey Foundation partnered with ReJuve for the Pittsburgh Yards project. Two Plug-In-Pods container buildings were created, one for storage and the other as an office space. These containers provide a quick and cost-effective way to activate a site and generate income. Building with shipping containers can reduce construction time and costs by up to half compared to conventional building methods.

Atlanta’s Shipping Container Restaurants

Atlanta Shipping Container Restaurants

Atlanta’s culinary scene has also embraced the use of shipping containers. Restaurants in the city have converted these containers into unique and trendy food and beverage vendors. The reduced cost of building with repurposed containers compared to traditional bricks and mortar construction is a significant advantage for restaurant owners.

Delia’s Chicken Sausage Stand, a popular eatery, opened its second location in Atlanta, featuring an entire second floor built from a shipping container. Another notable example is Fox Bros. Bar-B-Que, which opened the “Que-Osk,” a barbecue joint constructed using a shipping container. 8Arm, a trendy bar in Atlanta, also stands out as an innovative space created by renovating a used cargo container. The flexibility and ease of relocation make containers an attractive option for restaurant owners.

Shipping Container Homes and Tiny Homes in Atlanta

Shipping Container Homes in Atlanta

Atlanta’s mild climate makes it an ideal location for shipping container homes. These homes offer a unique and eco-friendly housing solution, combining affordability and mobility. The portability of empty shipping containers allows for deployment in both urban and rural locations, providing fully functional homes for residents.

One Atlanta resident, Glen Donaldson, was inspired by the concept of container homes and decided to build his dream home using shipping containers. Donaldson found an affordable lot in an area zoned for modern houses and enlisted an architect to design his container home. The result was a three-story townhome constructed from six high-cube containers, providing spacious high ceilings compared to standard containers.

Atlanta’s Role in Global Shipping

Global Shipping from Atlanta

Atlanta isn’t just a local shipping container hub; it also plays a significant role in global shipping. Many of the largest companies in Atlanta, including The Coca-Cola Company, Delta Air Lines, UPS, Cox Enterprises, Georgia-Pacific, NCR Corporation, and The Home Depot, utilize shipping containers as part of their operations.

Georgia ranks among the top 15 exporting states in the USA, exporting a diverse range of products such as aviation equipment, gas turbine parts, chemical wood pulp, automobiles, paper, frozen poultry, natural gas, cotton, modems, and transmission devices. Shipping containers are essential for transporting these goods efficiently and securely.

Shipping Container Storage in Atlanta

Shipping Container Storage in Atlanta

Apart from their various uses in construction, restaurants, and homes, shipping containers are also popular for storage purposes in Atlanta. Whether for personal or business storage needs, buying a shipping container can be a cost-effective solution compared to long-term rentals.

Conex Depot specializes in the sale of shipping and storage containers in the Metro Atlanta area. They offer a range of sizes and grades to meet your specific storage needs. Whether you need to store inventory, secure construction materials, or store furniture during a remodeling project, Conex Depot provides quality containers and expert advice.


Atlanta’s strategic location, extensive transportation network, and thriving culinary and construction scenes make it a hub for shipping container activities. From construction projects and restaurants to homes and global shipping, shipping containers play a vital role in Atlanta’s economy and infrastructure. Whether you’re looking to buy a shipping container for a construction project or seeking storage solutions, Atlanta offers a wealth of options.

If you’re in Georgia and in need of shipping containers, consider the various uses and benefits they offer. Explore the possibilities of affordable housing, trendy restaurants, unique homes, and secure storage with shipping containers. Atlanta’s shipping container industry continues to evolve, providing innovative solutions for the city’s diverse needs.