container chassis for sale January 5, 2024 – Posted in: Uncategorized

container chassis for sale The Ultimate Guide to Buying Container Chassis Trailers

container chassis for sale

‍Photo by ewanvong on Pixabay

container chassis for sale
Container chassis trailers are an essential component of the logistics industry, providing a secure and efficient means of transporting shipping containers. Whether you’re in the market for a new or used chassis, it’s crucial to understand the different types, features, and considerations to make an informed purchase. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about buying container chassis trailers.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • What are container chassis trailers?
    • Importance of container chassis trailers in the logistics industry
  2. Types of Container Chassis Trailers
    • Gooseneck chassis
    • Straight frame chassis
    • Flushback chassis
    • Slider tandem chassis
    • Extendable chassis
    • Combo chassis
    • ISO tank chassis
  3. Choosing the Right Size
    • 20-foot container chassis
    • 40-foot container chassis
    • 45-foot container chassis
    • 48-foot container chassis
    • 53-foot container chassis
  4. Factors to Consider When Buying Container Chassis Trailers
    • Suspension type
    • Axle configuration
    • Condition (used, remanufactured, refurbished)
    • Manufacturer reputation
    • Price and budget considerations
  5. Top Manufacturers of Container Chassis Trailers
    • Strick
    • Cheetah
    • Hyundai
    • Monon
    • Stoughton
    • Manac
    • Loadcraft
    • Dorsey
    • Wabash
    • Bertolini
    • Ajax
  6. Where to Buy Container Chassis Trailers
    • IMG International Commerce Co.
    • Other reputable dealers and suppliers
  7. Used vs. New Container Chassis Trailers
    • Pros and cons of buying used chassis
    • Pros and cons of buying new chassis
  8. Inspection and Maintenance Tips
    • Pre-purchase inspection checklist
    • Regular maintenance and servicing
  9. Export Considerations
    • Exporting container chassis trailers
    • Shipping and logistics
  10. Pricing and Financing Options
    • Average prices for container chassis trailers
    • Financing options and leasing
  11. Customer Reviews and Testimonials
  12. Conclusion

1. Introduction

What are container chassis trailers?

Container chassis trailers are specialized trailers designed to transport shipping containers. They provide a secure and stable platform for carrying containers, ensuring efficient movement within ports, terminals, and transportation networks. These trailers are typically towed by trucks and are an essential component of intermodal transportation, allowing for the seamless transfer of containers between different modes of transportation.

Importance of container chassis trailers in the logistics industry

Container chassis trailers play a crucial role in the global logistics industry, facilitating the movement of goods across long distances and various transportation modes. They enable the efficient handling and transport of shipping containers, ensuring the safe and timely delivery of goods. Without container chassis trailers, the logistics industry would face significant challenges in terms of loading, unloading, and transporting containers.

2. Types of Container Chassis Trailers

Container chassis trailers come in various types, each designed to accommodate different container sizes and specific requirements. Understanding the different types will help you choose the most suitable chassis for your needs.

Gooseneck chassis

Gooseneck chassis, also known as drop-frame chassis, feature a lowered front section that allows for easy loading and unloading of containers. They are commonly used for 40-foot containers and provide better stability and maneuverability.

Straight frame chassis

Straight frame chassis have a uniform height throughout the trailer, providing a flat platform for container placement. They are versatile and can accommodate different container sizes, including 20-foot, 40-foot, and 45-foot containers.

Flushback chassis

Flushback chassis have a design that allows containers to be flush with the rear end of the trailer. This design provides better weight distribution and stability, especially when carrying heavy containers. Flushback chassis are commonly used for transporting 20-foot containers.

Slider tandem chassis

Slider tandem chassis feature an adjustable axle configuration that allows for the movement of the rear axle to accommodate different container sizes. This flexibility makes them suitable for carrying both 20-foot and 40-foot containers.

Extendable chassis

Extendable chassis have the ability to extend or retract their length, making them ideal for carrying containers of varying sizes, including 20-foot, 40-foot, 45-foot, and 48-foot containers. They offer versatility and flexibility in container transportation.

Combo chassis

Combo chassis are designed to carry both 20-foot and 40-foot containers, hence the name “combo.” They feature various pin configurations that allow for the secure placement of different container sizes. Combo chassis provide convenience and cost-efficiency for transporting mixed container sizes.

ISO tank chassis

ISO tank chassis are specifically designed to transport ISO tank containers, which are used for shipping liquids and gases. These chassis have specialized features to securely hold and transport ISO tank containers, providing stability and safety during transit.

3. Choosing the Right Size

When buying a container chassis trailer, it’s crucial to select the right size that matches your specific needs. Here are the common container sizes and the corresponding chassis to consider:

20-foot container chassis

A 20-foot container chassis is designed to carry 20-foot shipping containers. These chassis are commonly used for transporting smaller loads and are suitable for businesses with lower volume requirements.

40-foot container chassis

A 40-foot container chassis is designed to carry 40-foot shipping containers. These chassis are widely used in the logistics industry and can accommodate larger loads. They are the most common type of container chassis on the market.

45-foot container chassis

A 45-foot container chassis is designed to carry 45-foot shipping containers. These chassis are less common compared to 20-foot and 40-foot chassis but are necessary for businesses that handle larger containers or specific types of cargo.

48-foot container chassis

A 48-foot container chassis is designed to carry 48-foot shipping containers. These chassis offer additional space compared to standard 40-foot chassis and are suitable for businesses that require slightly larger container capacity.

53-foot container chassis

A 53-foot container chassis is designed to carry 53-foot shipping containers. These chassis are commonly used for transporting oversized loads or when maximum container capacity is required. They offer the largest container capacity among standard container chassis sizes.

When selecting the size of the container chassis, consider your typical cargo volume, container requirements, and transportation needs. It’s essential to choose a chassis that can handle your current and future needs to optimize your operations.

4. Factors to Consider When Buying Container Chassis Trailers

Purchasing a container chassis trailer is a significant investment, and several factors should be taken into account to ensure you make the right choice. Consider the following factors when buying a container chassis trailer: container chassis for sale

Suspension type

The suspension type of a container chassis affects its stability and load-bearing capacity. The two main types of suspensions are air ride and spring suspension. Air ride suspension provides a smoother ride, better shock absorption, and improved load distribution, making it ideal for fragile or sensitive cargo. On the other hand, spring suspension is more cost-effective and suitable for transporting heavier loads. container chassis for sale

Axle configuration

The axle configuration of a container chassis determines its load-bearing capacity and maneuverability. The most common configurations are tandem axle and tri axle. Tandem axle chassis have two axles, while tri axle chassis have three axles. Tri axle chassis offer higher load capacity and improved weight distribution, making them suitable for heavy cargo. However, tandem axle chassis are more maneuverable and cost-effective for lighter loads. container chassis for sale

Condition (used, remanufactured, refurbished)

Container chassis trailers are available in various conditions: used, remanufactured, and refurbished. Used chassis are sold as-is, with minor repairs or repainting needed. Remanufactured chassis have undergone a comprehensive restoration process and are brought back to like-new condition. Refurbished chassis have been repaired and restored to a functional and presentable state. Consider your budget and specific requirements when choosing between different conditions. container chassis for sale

Manufacturer reputation

The reputation of the chassis manufacturer is an important consideration when buying a container chassis trailer. Established manufacturers with a track record of producing high-quality and reliable chassis are more likely to provide durable and well-designed products. Research manufacturers, read customer reviews, and seek recommendations to ensure you choose a reputable brand.

Price and budget considerations

Price is a significant factor when purchasing a container chassis trailer. Set a budget and consider both the upfront cost and long-term value of the chassis. While it may be tempting to opt for the cheapest option, consider the quality, durability, and potential maintenance costs in the long run. Striking a balance between affordability and quality is crucial to make a sound investment. container chassis for sale

By carefully considering these factors, you can select a container chassis trailer that meets your specific requirements and provides optimal performance and durability. container chassis for sale

5. Top Manufacturers of Container Chassis Trailers

When it comes to container chassis trailers, several manufacturers stand out for their quality and reliability. Here are some of the top manufacturers to consider: container chassis for sale


Strick is a well-known manufacturer of container chassis trailers, offering a wide range of options to meet different container sizes and transportation needs. Their chassis are known for their durability, strength, and innovative design features. container chassis for sale


Cheetah is a reputable manufacturer of both new and used container chassis trailers. They offer a diverse range of chassis types, including gooseneck, straight frame, and extendable chassis. Cheetah chassis are known for their superior performance and reliability. container chassis for sale


Hyundai is a trusted manufacturer of container chassis trailers, known for their exceptional quality and engineering. They offer a variety of chassis options, including gooseneck, straight frame, and tri axle chassis. Hyundai chassis are recognized for their durability and longevity. container chassis for sale


Monon is a well-established manufacturer of container chassis trailers with a reputation for producing high-quality and reliable products. Their chassis are renowned for their strength, stability, and efficient design.


Stoughton is a leading manufacturer of container chassis trailers, known for their innovative features and superior craftsmanship. Their chassis offer excellent load-bearing capacity and are designed for optimal performance and durability.


Manac is a reputable manufacturer of container chassis trailers, offering a wide range of options to suit different container sizes and transportation requirements. Their chassis are known for their robust construction and reliable performance.


Loadcraft is a respected manufacturer of container chassis trailers, known for their attention to detail and commitment to quality. Their chassis are designed to handle heavy loads and provide exceptional stability and durability.


Dorsey is a trusted manufacturer of container chassis trailers, renowned for their superior engineering and reliable performance. Their chassis are built to withstand the rigors of long-haul transportation and offer excellent load capacity.


Wabash is a well-known manufacturer of container chassis trailers, offering a wide range of options to meet various container sizes and transportation needs. Their chassis are known for their durability, efficiency, and versatility.


Bertolini is a respected manufacturer of container chassis trailers, known for their precision engineering and exceptional build quality. Their chassis are designed to provide optimal performance, stability, and ease of use.


Ajax is a reputable manufacturer of container chassis trailers, offering a range of options to suit different container sizes and transportation requirements. Their chassis are known for their reliability, strength, and versatility.

When considering different manufacturers, research their reputation, customer reviews, and product specifications to choose a reliable and reputable brand that meets your specific needs.

6. Where to Buy Container Chassis Trailers

When it comes to purchasing container chassis trailers, it’s essential to choose a reputable dealer or supplier. While there are numerous options available, it’s important to select a dealer with a track record of providing quality products and excellent customer service. Here are some recommended sources to buy container chassis trailers:

IMG International Commerce Co.

IMG International Commerce Co. is one of the leading sellers and exporters of container chassis trailers. They maintain a large inventory of chassis in their yards in Miami, Florida, and Laredo, Texas, as well as nationwide. IMG offers a wide selection of chassis types and sizes, including gooseneck, straight frame, flushback, slider tandem, extendable, combo, and ISO tank chassis. They provide export options and can accommodate various needs, including bundled purchases and container loading.

Other reputable dealers and suppliers

In addition to IMG International Commerce Co., there are several other reputable dealers and suppliers in the market. Research local dealers in your area, read customer reviews, and compare prices and services to find a reliable supplier that meets your requirements. Consider factors such as inventory availability, customer support, warranty options, and after-sales service when choosing a dealer.

When buying container chassis trailers, it’s crucial to purchase from a trusted and reliable source to ensure the quality and reliability of the product.

7. Used vs. New Container Chassis Trailers

When purchasing a container chassis trailer, you have the option to choose between used and new trailers. Each option has its own advantages and considerations. Let’s explore the pros and cons of buying used and new container chassis trailers:

Used container chassis trailers

Buying used container chassis trailers can be a cost-effective option, especially if you have budget constraints. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of buying used chassis:

Pros of buying used chassis

  • Cost savings: Used chassis are typically more affordable compared to new ones, allowing you to save on upfront costs.
  • Immediate availability: Used chassis are readily available in the market, allowing you to find the right chassis quickly.
  • Established reputation: Used chassis from reputable manufacturers have a proven track record and are known for their reliability.
  • Potential negotiation: When buying used chassis, there may be room for negotiation on the price, providing an opportunity for additional savings.

Cons of buying used chassis

  • Higher maintenance costs: Used chassis may require more frequent maintenance and repairs compared to new ones, which can increase operational expenses.
  • Limited warranty: Used chassis may have limited or no warranty coverage, increasing the risk of potential repair costs.
  • Wear and tear: Used chassis may show signs of wear and tear, which can affect their overall performance and longevity.
  • Older technology: Used chassis may not have the latest technological advancements or design features found in newer models.

New container chassis trailers

Investing in a new container chassis trailer offers several benefits, but it comes with its own set of considerations. Here are the pros and cons of buying new chassis:

Pros of buying new chassis

  • Latest technology and design: New chassis often come equipped with the latest technology and design features, providing enhanced performance and efficiency.
  • Manufacturer warranty: New chassis typically come with a manufacturer warranty, giving you peace of mind and protection against potential defects or issues.
  • Longevity and durability: New chassis have not been subjected to wear and tear, providing a longer lifespan and better durability.
  • Customization options: Buying new chassis allows for customization options, such as choosing specific features or configurations tailored to your needs.

Cons of buying new chassis

  • Higher upfront costs: New chassis are generally more expensive compared to used ones, requiring a higher initial investment.
  • Limited availability: Depending on the manufacturer and model, new chassis may have limited availability, and lead times may be longer.
  • Potential depreciation: New chassis may experience depreciation in value over time, which could impact their resale or trade-in value.
  • Technological learning curve: New chassis may come with advanced features that require training or familiarization, leading to a learning curve for operators.

When deciding between used and new container chassis trailers, consider your budget, specific requirements, and long-term goals. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each option to make an informed decision.

8. Inspection and Maintenance Tips

To ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your container chassis trailer, regular inspections and maintenance are essential. Here are some inspection and maintenance tips to follow:

Pre-purchase inspection checklist

Before finalizing the purchase of a container chassis trailer, conduct a thorough pre-purchase inspection to assess its condition and identify any potential issues. Here are some key elements to include in your inspection:

  1. Structural integrity: Check for any signs of damage, corrosion, or structural weaknesses.
  2. Suspension system: Inspect the suspension components for wear, leaks, or damage.
  3. Axles and tires: Check the axles and tires for signs of wear, damage, and proper inflation.
  4. Braking system: Test the braking system to ensure it is functioning properly.
  5. Electrical system: Check the lighting, wiring, and electrical connections for any issues.
  6. Landing gear: Inspect the landing gear mechanism for smooth operation and proper functionality.
  7. Container locking mechanisms: Ensure the container locking mechanisms are secure and in good working condition.
  8. Documentation and history: Review the maintenance records and history of the chassis to gain insight into its previous usage and maintenance.

By thoroughly inspecting the chassis before purchase, you can identify any potential issues and make an informed decision.

Regular maintenance and servicing

Once you’ve purchased a container chassis trailer, regular maintenance and servicing are crucial to ensure its optimal performance. Here are some maintenance tasks to consider:

  1. Regular cleaning: Clean the chassis regularly to remove dirt, debris, and corrosive substances that can damage the structure.
  2. Lubrication: Lubricate moving parts, such as hinges, axles, and locks, to reduce friction and prevent premature wear.
  3. Tire maintenance: Check tire pressure, tread depth, and overall condition regularly. Rotate tires and replace them when necessary.
  4. Brake system inspection: Regularly inspect and test the braking system to ensure it is functioning properly and adjust as needed.
  5. Suspension check: Inspect the suspension system for wear, leaks, or damage and address any issues promptly.
  6. Electrical system check: Test the lighting, wiring, and electrical connections periodically to ensure they are in good working order.
  7. Container locking mechanism inspection: Regularly inspect the container locking mechanisms for proper operation and security.
  8. Regular inspections: Conduct routine inspections of the chassis to identify any signs of damage, wear, or potential issues.

By following a regular maintenance schedule and addressing any issues promptly, you can prolong the lifespan of your container chassis trailer and ensure its safe and reliable operation.

9. Export Considerations

If you plan to export container chassis trailers, there are certain considerations and regulations to keep in mind. Here are some key points to consider when exporting chassis:

Exporting container chassis trailers

Exporting container chassis trailers requires compliance with international trade regulations and customs requirements. Ensure that you have the necessary export documentation, such as a bill of lading, commercial invoice, packing list, and any required permits or licenses. Familiarize yourself with the export process, including customs procedures, duty rates, and any restrictions or requirements imposed by the destination country.

Shipping and logistics

When exporting container chassis trailers, consider the logistics involved in transporting them to the destination. Determine the most suitable shipping method, such as containerized shipping or roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) shipping, based on factors like cost, transit time, and destination accessibility. Work with reputable shipping companies or freight forwarders experienced in handling containerized cargo to ensure a smooth and efficient export process.

By understanding the export considerations and working with experienced professionals, you can navigate the complexities of international trade and successfully export container chassis trailers.

10. Pricing and Financing Options

Pricing is a crucial factor when buying container chassis trailers, and it’s essential to consider your budget and financing options. Here are some pricing considerations and financing options to explore:

Average prices for container chassis trailers

The price of container chassis trailers can vary significantly depending on factors such as size, type, condition, manufacturer, and additional features. On average, used container chassis trailers can range from $5,000 to $20,000, while new chassis can range from $20,000 to $50,000 or more. It’s important to research current market prices and compare quotes from different suppliers to ensure you get a fair price.

Financing options and leasing

If purchasing a container chassis trailer outright is not feasible, consider exploring financing options or leasing arrangements. Many financial institutions offer equipment financing specifically for commercial vehicles and trailers. Leasing options provide flexibility, allowing you to use the chassis without the long-term commitment of ownership. Consult with financial advisors or equipment leasing companies to explore the best financing options for your specific needs.

By considering pricing options and exploring financing or leasing arrangements, you can find a solution that fits your budget and financial goals.

11. Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Before making a purchase, it’s beneficial to read customer reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences of other buyers. Look for reviews and testimonials from customers who have purchased container chassis trailers from the manufacturer or dealer you are considering. Pay attention to feedback regarding the quality, durability, customer service, and overall satisfaction with the product.

Customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable information and help you make an informed decision when buying container chassis trailers.

12. Conclusion

Lastly, Purchasing container chassis trailers requires careful consideration of various factors, including the type, size, manufacturer, price, and condition. By understanding the different types of chassis, considering your specific needs, and conducting thorough inspections, you can make an informed decision and find a chassis that meets your requirements.

Remember to choose a reputable dealer or supplier, consider the advantages and disadvantages of used vs. new chassis, and prioritize regular maintenance and servicing to ensure optimal performance and longevity. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can confidently navigate the process of buying container chassis trailers and enhance your logistics operations.