buy used cargo shipping containers January 5, 2024 – Posted in: Uncategorized

The Ultimate Guide to Buying Used Cargo Shipping Containers

buy used cargo shipping containers

‍Photo by dendoktoor on Pixabay

‍buy used cargo shipping containers
Are you in need of affordable storage solutions for your business or personal use? Look no further than used cargo shipping containers. These sturdy and versatile containers can provide you with the space you need at a fraction of the cost of building a traditional storage facility. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about buying used cargo shipping containers, from understanding the different types and conditions available to finding the best deals in your area. So let’s dive in and discover how you can make the most of these cost-effective storage solutions.

1. Introduction to Used Cargo Shipping Containers

Shipping containers have become increasingly popular as storage solutions due to their durability, security, and affordability. These containers are typically made of steel and designed to withstand harsh maritime conditions, making them incredibly sturdy and weather-resistant. They come in various sizes, with the most common being 20 feet and 40 feet in length. While they were originally intended for transporting goods across the globe, their versatility has made them a popular choice for storage purposes.

2. Types of Used Cargo Shipping Containers

Before you start your search for a used cargo shipping container, it’s important to understand the different types available. Here are the main types you should be familiar with:

2.1 Standard Containers

Standard containers, also known as dry containers, are the most common type of shipping container. They are suitable for general storage purposes and can be easily modified for specific needs. These containers are typically available in two sizes: 20 feet and 40 feet in length. The standard height for these containers is 8 feet 6 inches.

2.2 High Cube Containers

High cube containers are similar to standard containers, but with an increased height. These containers offer an extra foot of vertical space, making them ideal for storing oversized items or creating multi-level storage solutions. High cube containers are available in the same lengths as standard containers.

2.3 Refrigerated Containers

Refrigerated containers, also known as reefers, are designed for storing goods that require temperature-controlled environments. These containers are equipped with cooling systems that allow you to maintain specific temperature ranges. They are commonly used for transporting perishable goods such as food and pharmaceutical products.

2.4 Open-Top Containers

Open-top containers have removable roofs, providing easy access for loading and unloading oversized or bulky items. These containers are typically used for transporting goods that cannot fit through the standard container doors, such as machinery or construction materials.

2.5 Flat Rack Containers

Flat rack containers are designed for transporting heavy and oversized cargo. They have collapsible sides and an open top, allowing for easy loading and unloading of goods. These containers are commonly used for shipping vehicles, machinery, and other large items.

3. Understanding Container Conditions

When purchasing a used cargo shipping container, it’s important to understand the different conditions they can be in. Here are the main conditions you may come across:

3.1 Cargo Worthy

Cargo worthy containers are in excellent condition and meet the standards set by international shipping regulations. These containers are suitable for overseas shipping and are guaranteed to be structurally sound and watertight. They may have some cosmetic wear and tear but are generally in good working order.

3.2 Wind and Water Tight

Wind and water-tight containers are also in good condition and are suitable for storage purposes. While they may not meet the strict standards for overseas shipping, these containers are still structurally sound and will keep your belongings safe and dry.

3.3 As-Is Containers

As-is containers are the lowest grade of used cargo shipping containers. They are typically sold at a discounted price due to their damaged condition. As-is containers may have issues such as floor damage, heavy rust, dents, or structural problems. While they may not be suitable for shipping or long-term storage, they can still serve as a cost-effective solution for temporary storage needs.

4. Factors to Consider When Buying Used Cargo Shipping Containers

When purchasing a used cargo shipping container, there are several factors you should consider to ensure you make the right choice for your storage needs. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

4.1 Size Requirements

Before you start your search, determine the size of the container you need. Consider the amount and type of items you plan to store to ensure you choose a container that provides enough space.

4.2 Condition

Decide on the condition of the container that best suits your needs and budget. If you require a container for overseas shipping, opt for cargo-worthy containers. If you need a temporary storage solution, an as-is container may be sufficient.

4.3 Delivery Options

Consider how the container will be delivered to your location. Shipping containers are large and heavy, so it’s important to ensure that the delivery process goes smoothly. Check with the seller about the delivery options available and any additional fees that may apply.

4.4 Price and Budget

Set a budget for your container purchase and compare prices from different sellers. Keep in mind that the price may vary depending on the condition, size, and location of the container. Don’t forget to factor in any additional costs, such as delivery fees or modifications you may need.

4.5 Seller Reputation and Reviews

Research the seller and read customer reviews before making a purchase. Look for sellers with a good reputation and positive feedback from previous customers. This will give you confidence that you are dealing with a reliable and trustworthy seller.

5. Finding Used Cargo Shipping Containers for Sale

Now that you have a better understanding of the different types and conditions of used cargo shipping containers, it’s time to start your search. Here are some effective ways to find containers for sale:

5.1 Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces, such as eBay and Craigslist, are popular platforms for buying and selling used cargo shipping containers. Browse through listings in your area and contact sellers to discuss the details of the containers they have available.

5.2 Local Container Dealers

Search for local container dealers in your area. These dealers specialize in selling both new and used shipping containers and can provide you with expert advice and assistance throughout the purchasing process. Visit their websites or give them a call to inquire about available inventory and pricing.

5.3 Shipping Ports and Terminals

Shipping ports and terminals often have containers available for sale. Contact the port authority or terminal operator in your area to inquire about purchasing options. Keep in mind that containers sold at ports may be more expensive than those sold by individual sellers or dealers.

5.4 Auctions

Check for container auctions in your area. Auctions can be a great way to find discounted containers, especially if you are open to purchasing containers in various conditions. Attend the auction in person or participate online to place your bids.

6. Inspecting the Container Before Purchase

Before finalizing your purchase, it’s crucial to inspect the container in person to ensure it meets your expectations. Here are some key areas to inspect:

6.1 Exterior Condition

Check the exterior of the container for any visible signs of damage, such as dents, rust, or holes. While some wear and tear is expected, ensure that the container is structurally sound and free from any major issues that could compromise its integrity.

6.2 Interior Condition

Inspect the interior of the container for cleanliness, signs of pests, or any other issues that may affect your storage needs. Check for any odors or moisture that could indicate leaks or water damage.

6.3 Doors and Locking Mechanism

Test the doors to ensure they open and close smoothly. Check the locking mechanism to ensure it is in good working order and provides adequate security.

6.4 Flooring

Examine the container’s flooring for any signs of damage, such as rot or holes. Ensure that the floor is solid and capable of supporting the weight of your stored items.

7. Delivery and Placement of the Container

Once you have purchased your used cargo shipping container, it’s time to arrange for delivery and placement. Here are some important considerations:

7.1 Delivery Method

Discuss the delivery method with the seller or transportation company. Depending on your location and the accessibility of your property, the container may be delivered using a tilt-bed trailer, a flatbed trailer, or a crane.

7.2 Site Preparation

Prepare the site where the container will be placed. Ensure that the ground is level and stable to prevent any tilting or sinking of the container. If necessary, consider laying down gravel or concrete pads for added stability.

7.3 Permits and Regulations

Check with your local authorities to determine if any permits or regulations apply to the placement of shipping containers on your property. Some areas may have restrictions on container placement, so it’s important to be aware of any requirements before delivery.

8. Container Modifications and Customizations

Used cargo shipping containers can be easily modified and customized to suit your specific storage needs. Here are some common modifications you may consider:

8.1 Insulation

If you plan to store temperature-sensitive items or create a comfortable workspace, consider adding insulation to the container. Insulation can help regulate the interior temperature and reduce condensation.

8.2 Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential to prevent moisture buildup and maintain good air quality inside the container. You can add vents or windows to improve airflow and reduce the risk of mold or mildew.

8.3 Electrical Wiring and Lighting

If you require electricity inside the container, consider hiring a professional to install electrical wiring and lighting fixtures. This will provide you with a convenient power source for lighting, appliances, or other electrical equipment.

8.4 Shelving and Racking

Maximize the storage space inside the container by adding shelving or racking systems. This will help you organize your belongings and make the most efficient use of the available space.

8.5 Security Features

Enhance the security of your container by adding locks, security bars, or an alarm system. These additional measures will provide peace of mind and protect your stored items from theft or vandalism.

9. Maintenance and Care

To ensure the longevity of your used cargo shipping container, proper maintenance and care are essential. Here are some tips to keep your container in good condition:

9.1 Regular Inspections

Perform regular inspections of your container to check for any signs of damage or wear. Address any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

9.2 Cleaning

Keep your container clean and free from debris. Regularly sweep or pressure wash the interior and exterior to remove dirt, dust, and grime.

9.3 Rust Prevention

Inspect the container for any signs of rust and treat affected areas with a rust-resistant paint or primer. This will help prevent corrosion and extend the lifespan of your container.

9.4 Waterproofing

Ensure that your container remains watertight by inspecting the seals and caulking regularly. Repair or replace any damaged seals to prevent water from entering the container.

9.5 Pest Control

Take preventive measures to keep pests away from your container. Seal any gaps or openings, and consider using pest control products or traps to deter unwanted visitors.

10. Frequently Asked Questions

10.1 Can I finance the purchase of a used cargo shipping container?

Yes, many sellers and container dealers offer financing options for container purchases. This can be a convenient solution if you prefer to pay for your container over time.

10.2 Can I rent a used cargo shipping container instead of buying one?

Yes, renting a used cargo shipping container is a viable option if you only need temporary storage or prefer not to make a long-term commitment. Many sellers and container rental companies offer flexible rental terms to suit your needs.

10.3 Can I modify the container myself, or should I hire a professional?

While some modifications can be done as DIY projects, it’s recommended to hire a professional for more complex modifications. This will ensure that the modifications are done safely and in compliance with building codes and regulations.

10.4 Can I move the container to a different location in the future?

Yes, used cargo shipping containers can be easily transported to a different location if needed. You can arrange for professional transportation services or hire a heavy-duty truck to move the container.

11. Conclusion

Used cargo shipping containers offer an affordable and practical storage solution for a wide range of needs. By understanding the different types and conditions of containers, conducting thorough inspections, and considering important factors such as size requirements and budget, you can find the perfect container to meet your storage needs. Whether you need extra space for your business inventory, construction materials, or personal belongings, purchasing a used cargo shipping container can provide you with the flexibility and convenience you require. So start your search today and unlock the benefits of these versatile storage solutions.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Always consult with experts or professionals in the field for specific advice related to your individual circumstances.