shipping container overseas price August 13, 2023 – Posted in: Uncategorized

shipping container overseas price Everything You Need to Know About Shipping Container Rates and Costs

shipping container overseas price

‍Photo by dendoktoor on Pixabay

shipping container overseas price

If you’re planning a move or shipment involving shipping containers, it’s important to understand the rates and costs associated with this type of transport. Whether you’re shipping domestically within the United States or internationally, there are various factors that can impact the prices you’ll pay. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key elements that affect container shipping rates and costs, providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions. shipping container overseas price

Domestic Container Shipping Rates

When it comes to domestic container shipping within the United States, there are several factors that influence the costs involved. Let’s take a closer look at these factors:

1. Distance

The distance between the pickup and drop-off locations plays a significant role in determining the cost of transporting a container. Generally, the more miles involved, the higher the transport cost. Shipping a container from one state to another will be more expensive than transporting it to a nearby city within the same state.

2. Loading and Unloading Assistance

Before a shipping container can be transported, it needs to be loaded onto a trailer using cranes. If you require a crane crew for this task, the transport company will often arrange one for you. The cost of crane and rigging crews is typically factored into the final shipping container transport quote.

3. Day Rates

For distances under 400 miles, container moving fees are often calculated based on time. In this case, you’ll be charged a day service rate instead of a per-mile rate. This means that even for short distances, you’ll pay for a full day of service, which usually costs between $800 and $1,200.

It’s important to note that these rates are subject to change and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your shipment.

International Container Shipping Rates

When it comes to international container shipping, there are additional factors to consider that can impact the rates and costs involved. Let’s explore these factors in more detail:

1. Season/Time of the Year

The time of year can greatly influence international container shipping rates. Peak shipping months, such as January to February and August to September, tend to have higher rates compared to other times of the year. If possible, consider scheduling your shipment during the off-peak season to potentially save on costs.

2. Shipping Route

The shipping route is another important factor that affects international container transport rates. Popular routes, such as Shanghai to Los Angeles, often have lower rates due to the higher volume of containers being shipped. Less popular or less trafficked routes may result in higher shipping costs.

3. Shipping Mode

There are two main modes of shipping containers internationally: air and sea. Air container shipping rates are typically significantly higher than sea shipping rates. This is because air transport requires more resources and incurs higher fees compared to shipping by sea. However, shipping by sea is much more common and generally more cost-effective for container transport.

4. Weight and Size

The weight and dimensions of a shipping container also play a role in determining the cost of international transport. Both air and sea transportation have weight restrictions, and the heavier the cargo, the more expensive it is to transport. Similarly, larger containers take up more space on a ship or plane, which can result in higher shipping costs.

It’s important to accurately measure and weigh your cargo to ensure you’re charged the appropriate rates for your shipment.

How to Pack Freight or Cargo in a Shipping Container

Properly packing and securing your freight or cargo in a shipping container is crucial to ensure its safety during transport. Here are some tips to help you pack your items securely:

1. Use Pallets

Whenever possible, use pallets to stack and secure your boxes. This helps maximize space and provides stability for your cargo. Choose pallets that are the appropriate size for your freight to ensure a secure fit.

2. Opt for Moisture-Resistant Containers

To protect your cargo from water damage, consider using moisture-resistant containers. These containers have special features that prevent water leaks and keep your items dry. Additionally, you can wrap certain items in waterproof materials for added protection.

3. Distribute Weight Evenly

Ensure that the weight in your shipping container is distributed evenly. This helps maintain stability during transport and reduces the risk of cargo shifting or damage. Proper weight distribution is crucial for safe transportation.

4. Utilize Shrinkwrapping

Shrinkwrapping your cargo can provide an extra layer of protection. It tightly wraps around the items, creating a barrier against dirt, water, and other potential hazards. Shrinkwrapping is particularly beneficial for delicate or fragile items.

5. Label Your Containers Correctly

Proper labeling is essential for efficient shipping. Ensure that your containers are correctly labeled with port marks, gross and net weight, and any other required information. This helps customs officials and shipping companies process your shipment accurately and efficiently.

By following these packing tips, you can minimize the risk of damage to your cargo and ensure a smooth shipping process.

Other Costs to Consider

In addition to container shipping rates, there are other costs to consider when planning a move or shipment. These costs may vary depending on your specific circumstances and requirements. Here are some additional factors to keep in mind:


It’s important to have adequate insurance coverage for your shipment. This ensures that you’re protected in the event of any damage or loss during transport. Be sure to check with your shipping company to ensure that they provide sufficient maritime insurance coverage.

Packing Costs

Many international moving companies require professional packing services to ensure the safety and security of your items. While this may incur additional costs, it helps prevent fraudulent insurance claims and ensures that your items are packed properly for transport.

Taxes, Duty, and Customs Charges

When shipping goods internationally, you may encounter taxes, duties, and customs charges imposed by the destination country. It’s essential to research and understand the potential costs involved before your move to avoid any surprises. Familiarize yourself with the regulations and requirements of the country you’re shipping to.


If you’re not permanently relocating and plan to return to your home country, consider the cost of storage. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to store your goods in your home country rather than shipping them overseas and back again, especially if taxes and duties apply to shipped goods.

It’s important to factor in these additional costs when budgeting for your move or shipment to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the total expenses involved.


Shipping container rates and costs vary depending on several factors, including distance, time of year, shipping route, shipping mode, weight, and size. Understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions and plan your move or shipment effectively. By properly packing your freight or cargo and considering additional costs such as insurance, packing services, taxes, and storage, you can ensure a smooth and successful shipping experience. Remember to obtain accurate quotes from reputable shipping companies and consult with professionals to navigate the complexities of container shipping.