abandoned shipping containers for sale August 5, 2023 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Abandoned Shipping Containers: The Mystery Prizes for Opportunistic Buyers

abandoned shipping containers for sale

‍Photo by 652234 on Pixabay

abandoned shipping containers for sale

With the ongoing supply chain snarls causing a surplus of abandoned shipping containers, a new opportunity has emerged for buyers to delve into the mystery contents of these neglected cargo units. These abandoned containers, which can be publicly auctioned or sold directly to cargo salvage buyers, offer a thrilling guessing game for those who are eager to uncover the hidden treasures within. abandoned shipping containers for sale

The Thrill of the Unknown: A Guessing Game for Cargo Salvage Buyers

For cargo salvage buyers, cracking open an abandoned shipping container is akin to participating in the popular reality TV show “Storage Wars.” The excitement lies in the anticipation of discovering something completely unexpected and different from what was initially anticipated. Jake Slinn, the director of JS Cargo & Freight Disposal, based in the UK, vividly describes the challenge that awaits these buyers when they unlock the container doors: “You’re thinking, ‘Right, where can I send this? What can I do with this?'”

The mystery deepens as cargo salvage buyers are often presented with manifests that offer only vague descriptions of the container’s contents. It’s only when they pry open the container that the true nature of the cargo is revealed. Slinn recounts his experience of unearthing aluminum take-out pans, electric scooters, breast implants, pumpkin seeds, and even six tons of cheese from these abandoned containers.

A Spectrum of Possibilities: From Sedans to Household Goods

Each abandoned shipping container holds its own unique surprises. The contents can range from everyday household items to unexpected treasures. Slinn’s latest container revealed the label “Household goods” on the manifest, but the reality was a sedan crammed with clothes and kitchenware. Depending on the nature of the cargo, salvage buyers like Slinn have the option to either purchase the goods from the shipping company for resale or charge for its disposal.

The Rising Tide of Abandoned Cargo

The surge in abandoned shipping containers is a direct consequence of the supply chain crisis, which has caused significant delays and congestion at ports. The two largest ports in the US have been grappling with the accumulation of tens of thousands of shipping containers, some of which have languished at the port for over nine days. The Southern California ports, in particular, experienced record-breaking delays as carriers struggled to find space in overbooked warehouses.

As cargo dwell times in ports continue to prolong, importers face mounting demurrage fees for the containers. The combination of excessive port fees and spoiled or delayed seasonal products has led many importers to abandon their shipments altogether. Abandonment also occurs when freight companies file for bankruptcy. According to the Federation of Freight Forwarders Association (FIATA), cargo is considered abandoned if it remains at the port for a certain duration, typically ranging from 20 to 90 days, depending on the location.

The Burden of Abandoned Cargo: Shipping Companies’ Dilemma

When importers neglect to retrieve their goods, shipping companies are left with the burden of disposal. They face the choice of donating, destroying, or individually reselling the products to third parties. However, auctions often serve as the most viable solution for shipping companies to recoup some of their losses. By selling the abandoned cargo to professional cargo salvage buyers or opening up unclaimed freight auctions to the public, shipping companies can minimize financial setbacks.

Accessible Opportunities: Unclaimed Freight Auctions

Unclaimed freight auctions provide a unique opportunity for not only professional cargo salvage buyers but also the general public to participate in the excitement of uncovering hidden treasures. These auctions, which are often conducted online, allow buyers to bid on abandoned cargo and potentially acquire valuable items at a fraction of their retail price.

The Future of Abandoned Shipping Containers

As the supply chain crisis continues to unfold, the abundance of abandoned shipping containers presents an ongoing opportunity for cargo salvage buyers and auction enthusiasts alike. The allure of these mystery prizes, combined with the potential for significant returns on investment, ensures that the demand for abandoned cargo will persist.


Abandoned shipping containers have become the unexpected source of excitement and potential profit for opportunistic buyers. The mystery surrounding these neglected cargo units fuels the curiosity of cargo salvage buyers who eagerly crack open containers in search of hidden treasures. As the supply chain crisis persists and more containers are left abandoned at ports, the opportunities for salvaging and auctioning off these cargo units will continue to grow. Whether it’s professional salvage buyers or the general public, the allure of participating in the “Storage Wars” of the shipping industry remains strong. So, keep an eye out for the next abandoned container auction and see if you can be the lucky one to unlock a mystery prize.